175 Camp Trail at Mincy Conservation Area

     Here it is the end of May, and I haven’t done any hiking since the tenth, (see: 174 Fern Falls) it has just been too hot.  Today I’m going to nearby Drury-Mincy Conservation Area, it only takes about half an hour to get there.  By keeping the destination close to home, I can hopefully get in a quick hike before the heat of the day.

late spring wildflowers

    Paved roads all the way to Gunnison Trailhead, I’m on the trail by 8:30 and its 74°, not bad.  The Bear Cave Trail heads west from here, when I hiked that trail (see:112 Bear Mountain Loop) I noticed another trail across Gunnison Road going east.  This is the trail I’ll explore today, it’s clearly marked at the side of the road, I head into the woods slightly downhill and curving around from east to north.

roadside trail sign

    Although I don’t know for sure where this trail will take me (not yet anyway), it’s heading in the direction of the Mincy  campground area.  The trail's in good shape, easy to follow and well blazed with little ‘hiker signs’ screwed to trees, soon just off the trail is a big old oak that fell down long ago but remains alive and well.  Beyond the fallen oak the trail drops into the top of Wolf Hollow.

fallen oak

    A zig-zagging descent of about 160 feet ends at the creek flowing over bedrock, here at the very lush overgrown creek a tree has fallen making forward progress difficult.  There I notice a faint old road going east up a gentle hill, thinking this may be the trail I follow the road.  But with no more blazes on the trees, I start to wonder if this really is ‘the trail’.

'little hiker' blaze

My doubts are confirmed at the top of the hill where I come to a tall gate and fence with a private property sign, going north along the fence a short way I circle around to the old road and back down the hill.  Finding a way through the jungle and across the creek then further north I make it back to the actual trail.  From here the elevation stays pretty consistent, soon I see red signs left of the trail warning of the archery area on the hill north.

jungle at Wolf Hollow

beware of Archery Range

    The trail goes east along the south edge of the archery range for about a hundred yards then under powerlines and finally back to the north where this trail ends at the campground (as I suspected).  The campground may be called ‘primitive’ but it’s pretty nice, with large open sites some with picnic tables and fire-rings.  There is also a parking area and vault toilet, and of course the entrance to the afore mentioned archery range.

primitive campground

    A short access road from the campground leads out to Gunnison Road, I could walk down the road back to the trailhead, but that doesn’t sound like much fun.  Instead, I go back on the trail, basically the way I came.  Not exactly the same route, I follow beneath the powerline down to the corner of the archery area.  Then at the top of Wolf Hollow I stay southwest of the creek passing through a deer-blind that has seen better days, then back to the trail.

wildflowers are the best part of this hike

    From here it’s pretty much all uphill back to Gunnison Road and trailhead.  For me the best part of this easy hike was all the wildflowers of late spring.  It’s a short hike, from trailhead to campground and back (including exploration up an old road) was only 2 miles with 300 feet of elevation gain.  This was my fourth hike in Mincy C.A. and there is still much more to explore here, then there’s Drury C.A. just up the road a little further north that I haven’t seen, it’s all good, I hope to eventually see it all.

Camp Trail: Statistics Chart 175     As mentioned above I have been here before, for past adventures at Mincy Conservation Area including driving directions see: 111 Bee Creek and Cornell Road, 112 Bear Mountain Loop, and 133 Mincy Ridge Road.

base map before fair use alterations is property of USGS-licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 U.S. License


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