21 Triple Falls

    This morning we loaded up our out-of-town guests and took them to Broadwater Hollow.  The plan was to show them a little bit of the Natural State's beauty and do some hiking at the same time.  Broadwater Hollow was awesome as usual, (see: 20 Broadwater Hollow) and everyone was up for a little more.

framed in green

    So off to Triple Falls we go.  ‘As the crow flies’ it’s not very far from Broadwater Hollow to Triple Falls.  But in a car, is a different story.  From Compton we drive to Ponca then up the mountain to Mt. Sherman and finally down the hill to the Boy Scout’s Camp Orr.  A very scenic drive the entire way.

Triple Falls

    The parking area is actually just inside the Camp Orr property and is designated with signage.  The hike to the falls I believe, is the shortest possible that you can even call a hike.  Anything less and it would probably be visible from the car.  It sure is a beautiful spot too.

skippin' rocks

    Triple Falls is three distinct waterfalls coming off the same bluff into a turquoise pool at the base.  Officially the name is 'Twin Falls' but as Tim Ernst points out it is almost always three separate falls.  There are other 'Twin Falls' all over the Ozarks, so to keep the confusion lower, Triple Falls just seems a better name.

Ardy, Kat, Aidan and Chelsey

    Very easy to get to, beautiful and unique, make this a very popular place.  We have been here many times, always with visiting family and we have never been alone while at the falls.  And that’s ok, Triple Falls is so gorgeous you don’t seem to notice all the other people around.  We hang out quite a while just soaking up the ambiance of the place.  After a bit I notice everyone else has left, we’re all alone.

recently added signage

    We hang out a little longer, until the next wave arrives.  Did I mention it’s a short easy hike?  There and back is only 0.4 miles and maybe 40 feet of elevation gain.  What a great way to cap off a wonderful day spent with family.  For more explorations around Triple Falls check out: (69 Triple Loop) and (76 Triple Cherry).

Taking it all in at Triple Falls couldn't be easier, to the falls is less than a quarter mile.
photo op @ Triple Falls

Triple Falls: turn north off Highway 74 in Mt. Sherman at the canoe rental business onto NC 2650, go just under a mile on this good gravel road to NC 2656 (Camp Orr Road) a sharp right and continue downhill almost 2 miles to the parking area.  NC 2656 is steep and narrow, just drive slow, and enjoy.


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