19 Lonesome Hollow Falls

   This morning we went out with nowhere in particular in mind.  We just wanted to get out on some back roads and do a little hiking.  We have already been to Fallsville and Waterfall Hollow earlier this morning, see: (18 Waterfall Hollow).

down in Lonesome Hollow

    Now we find ourselves near Cowell and have decided to do the short hike to Lonesome Hollow Falls.  It’s easy to get to the parking spot, just turn off Highway 7 at the cemetery, then around at the back of the cemetery turn south on Taylor Ridge Road.  Go about a mile to a pull-off on the right where there is a dirt berm blocking access down an old road.

bluff shelter

    From this parking spot we head over the berm and down the old road.  Its real easy hiking and we soon come to a rock cairn at the right side of the road.  This cairn marks the spot where to leave the road and begin the bushwhack back to Lonesome Hollow Falls.  But, in following our ‘nowhere in particular’ theme for the day, we continue down the old road.  We’ll check it out then come back up to the falls.

many beech trees near the falls

    Maybe a quarter mile on the left about 20 feet from the road is a nice little waterfall that will dry up pretty fast, but it looks good today.  I think I’ll call it Lonely Falls (keeping with the ‘Lonesome’ thing).  Closer to the bottom the old road makes a sweeping turn to the west, the woods open up into what may be an old overgrown field.  This is where we turn around and head back up.

Short and easy hike to a beautiful waterfall in the Ozark National Forest.
Lonesome Hollow Falls

   Back at the rock cairn we follow the short and steep volunteer trail down.  The trail fades away fast but it has leveled out some and is an easy bushwhack along the base of the bluff.  By now we can hear the falls really well and just follow our ears the rest of the way.

Arkansas Jungle in fine form

    Lonesome Hollow Falls is a gorgeous sight at the head of Lonesome Hollow with large boulders strewn everywhere along with lots of little cascades.  A very scenic setting for sure.  After a little boulder climbing and picture taking, we head back out, and up to the car.

another angle, still no clear view

    This is a very nice little hike and with Lonesome Hollow Falls a great payoff at the end.  Even including our exploration down the old road, the total mileage was only 1.7 and our total elevation gain just over 300 feet.  For a day with nowhere in particular to go, it sure turned into a great day.  For an update, map and stats chart see: (114 Cub Creek Falls & Lonesome Hollow).



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