20 Broadwater Hollow

    We have some out-of-town visitors today, our daughter Chelsey and grandson Aidan.  So, we thought it would be a good time to show them some of Arkansas’s beauty and do some hiking at the same time.  We didn’t want to be in the car all day, so chose Broadwater Hollow since it is relatively close to home.

above Paige Falls

    Having been here many times we have learned that you never know what to expect regarding the back road down into Broadwater Hollow.  Today the road is great, apparently having been recently graded and we're at the parking area in no time.

Family fun in the great outdoors of the Buffalo National River
group shot at Paige Falls

    From the parking area it’s a short walk down the road to Broadwater Hollow, we cross the creek here on the road then find the good trail on the east side.  It’s a very easy hike along the creek passing some lovely cascades.  We then go between and around some huge boulders and around another corner to some great views of Paige Falls down below.

turquoise pool of Paige Falls
    Just a little farther we come to a spur trail that descends to the pool in front of Paige Falls.  It’s a little steep but easily done and we’re soon at the base of the falls enjoying this beautiful spot.  Afterwards we head back up to the main trail and on to Broadwater Hollow Falls.

Broadwater Hollow Falls

   Back up on the trail it isn’t far to the next little spur trail down to Broadwater Hollow Falls.  This time, same as before a little steep but no problem.  Broadwater Hollow Falls a little taller than Paige Falls, still beautiful and both so close together.  It’s a great place in an amazing area and such a short hike.  After some photos and play time, we continue the hike down Broadwater Hollow.  Broadwater Hollow Falls is usually as far as most people go.

into the abyss at Devil's Den

    The trail continues to be good and easy to follow, we are soon at Devil’s Den, which is a big deep vertical cave entrance right on the east side of the trail.  There are signs on the edge warning of the dangers and stating that all caves are closed to protect the bat populations.  After gazing into the abyss, we continue on down the trail.  Not far from the Devil’s Den is another sinkhole/cave entrance right next to the trail, this one much smaller.

Broadwater Hollow above Paige Falls

    Continuing south down the trail, looking down to our right at the creek we see some nice cascades and a few inviting jacuzzi sized swimming holes.  But then a little further the creek dries up completely, and Broadwater Hollow becomes a dry ravine of river rock.

spring falls near Broadwater Falls

    Not much further the trail turns to the east, and we find ourselves hiking up above Cecil Creek, which is also dry as a bone.  Having made it to Cecil Creek, even though the trail keeps going we turn around and head back.  On the way out we decide to show Chelsey and Aidan another popular waterfall for out-of-town guests…Triple Falls. 

spring is in the air

    This hike down to Cecil Creek and back was further than we usually go in Broadwater Hollow.  But still only 1.0 miles roundtrip with a total elevation gain of about 250 feet.  This is an easy and completely enjoyable hike.  For a return visit to Broadwater Hollow and further exploration of Cecil Creek see: (50 Broadwater Hollow to Jones Homesite)

down in Broadwater Hollow

Broadwater Hollow: Statistics Chart 20     It isn’t too hard to get here, although (NC 2660 can get washed out after a big rain), about 0.8 miles north of the Compton Post Office turn right (southeast) on NC 2660, this is across Highway 43 from the volunteer Compton Fire Station.  Follow NC 2660 down the mountain just over 2 miles to the parking area on the left, if you cross the creek, you drove too far.


Anonymous said…
This was such a fun hike.
Ardy Robbins said…
Yes it was, we'll have to do it again someday.

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