
Showing posts from March, 2024

168 Waterfalls of Adkins Creek

       Just six days ago while hiking along the upper portion of Whitaker Creek, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy the overall hike was  (see: 167 Amber, Compton’s and Owl Falls ) .   Having expected a steep rugged day with lots of  bushwhacking , typical in wilderness areas.  Yes, I was definitely pleased with the easy hiking conditions, the scenic beauty and magnificent waterfalls were expected and great. tight steep Adkins Canyon      That being said, today I decided to attempt another area also in the Upper Buffalo Wilderness that I’ve been curious to see forever but have always shied away from.   Along the southwest corner of the wilderness is Adkins Creek with lots of water features including Leaning Log Falls and Adkins Canyon Falls.   Today may be the perfect time to check it out since we got another inch of rain just two days ago. east of trailhead on old road      It’s a long drive from the house way up north, but I make good time and arrive at Dahl Memorial Trailhead

167 Amber, Compton's Double and Owl Falls

       We have had some  much needed rain the last few days, it didn’t amount to much, but I think today will be a good time to see some waterfalls before everything dries-up again.   I tried to get an early start, but this morning we lost an hour before we even got up thanks to Daylight Savings Time (what a joke).   I head south through Boxley then up Cave Mountain Road to the Upper Buffalo Wilderness. Amber Falls on Upper Whitaker Creek      South of Whitaker Point Trailhead parking area (see: 161 Hawksbill Crag for my most recent hike involving fantastic waterfalls) about a mile, is a wide spot along the left side of the road with room to park three or four cars.   Just over 200 feet further is what’s left of a wooden ‘Wilderness Area’ sign marking the trailhead.   And a good trail it is, I head south zigzagging down the hill, which is pretty steep but not too bad, and obviously well used. trailside habitat?      After about 260 feet of elevation loss at an intersection with mult

166 Bluffs of Haunt Hollow

     Saturday morning I’m headed back down to the Wayton area south of Parthenon along the Little Buffalo River.   The first time I visited this area, a little over two months ago, I was in the next hollow to the north (see: 158 Dog Branch Bluffs ) also on a Saturday.   On that occasion I was surprised that others were out enjoying the beautiful bluffs in an area that I thought was relatively unknown , we’ll see if I encounter anyone today. majestic views      Pulling in at the ‘trailhead’ off Dog Branch Road there isn’t anywhere to park without blocking the road (more of an ATV trail) so I drive on, hoping to find at least a wide spot where I can get off the road.  This ATV trail, (FR 92162C) is narrow of course but easy going and no  downed trees.  I park at a wide spot in front of a mud hole and small dirt berm.  I’m sure I could drive right through this minor obstacle but hey, I’m here to hike not drive. wide spot on ATV trail        Walking south on the road is all downhill but