
Showing posts from February, 2024

165 Battle Creek Bluffs

       This morning I’m driving south for another Outdoor Adventure in the Ozarks.   A few days ago, while hiking along the bluffs of Shulers Point, (see: 164 Shulers Point Bluffs ) I noticed some pretty tall bluffs across the valley.  The bluffs that I was looking at are just a small portion of the Cave Creek Bluffs as are Shulers Point Bluffs. at vista point      Today, while back in the same general  area I’m going to check out a small portion of the ‘Big Creek Bluffs’.   This particular Big Creek is the next drainage west of Cave Creek, and I’ll be hiking near the top of the drainage above a feeder stream called ‘Battle Creek’.   A short steep mountain stream just below the headwaters of Big Creek.   I park just off Highway 123 in a small clearing where an old road (FR 92147C) intersects the highway. road obstacle      I start out south on the old road,  which is easy going complete with an obvious trail, for a while.   Making good time through the woods the first half mile is all

164 Bluffs of Shulers Point

       Here we are, still in February but it sure feels like spring.  I know these warm sunny days could change overnight back to cold and snow, I had better take advantage of the weather while I can.  East of Lurton between Cave Creek to the west and Falls Branch on the east is a ridge known as Shulers Point.  I’m going here today to investigate an area I haven’t been to before and while I'm at it hike along some lovely blufflines. Shuler East Bluffs      Shuler Road (FS 1236) and/or (NC 5090) follows the ridge out to the point then zig-zags down the mountain and follows Cave Creek all the way to Bass.   I have my doubts that this road can be driven by anything other than possibly an ATV, I don’t know, but I’ll check it out as far as I can get.   Not bad up on the ridge, just a little narrow but I soon come to what appears to be the end of the line. East Shuler Falls      At a Forest Service gate is a sign ‘Road Closed’ but the gate is open, I pull into a nice big parking area on

163 Rock Wall Road along North Fork Illinois Bayou

       By definition the ‘Illinois Bayou’ is not a bayou, every dictionary I checked, even Wikipedia use words like sluggish, slow moving and stagnant, when describing a ‘bayou’.  The Illinois Bayou is none of the above , in fact at times during the spring it’s a renowned white-water playground.  A huge drainage in north central Arkansas the Illinois Bayou consists of the East Middle and North Forks, combined the Illinois Bayou flows into the Arkansas River (Lake Dardanelle). Boyd Road at first crossing (Cedar Creek)      In its headwaters, the North Fork Illinois Bayou begins at the confluence of Left Hand Prong and Right Hand Prong, this is where I want to go today.  Along the North Fork to the confluence of the Left and Right Hand Prongs.  The route I’m taking is just north of the ‘North Fork’ and puts me along the south side of Pedestal Rocks Kings Bluff SIA, see: ( 29 The Seven Shelters ), ( 35 Wonders Downunder ) and ( 74 A Bluffs Bushwhack ) . parking near bottom of Boyd Rd.