139 Owens Grottoes & Ricketts South Bluffs

     On our last two trips to Owens and Ricketts Mountains we noticed a couple more places that looked interesting, first on our way back from Owens Point (see: 89 Owens Point) we found a bluff top view not far off the road and what looked like hiking opportunities down below.  The other was a rock cairn at the south side of the road as we were driving up to Ricketts Mountain Cemetery (see: 93 Ricketts Knob and Owens Rock).

looking down into Grand Grotto

    Today I want to check out both these areas, first I head up Owens Mountain Road off Cowell Road, up the hill to the parking area at the top which is also a great camping area.  I park here on the big slab of bedrock just off the road and head south to the nice vista just 100 yards away.  Right at the top of the small drainage, to my left the bluffline heads due south and right is to the west.

near bottom of bluffline break

    Hiking west along the top I only go about a hundred yards before finding a bluffline break that gets me down to the base.  First thing I notice are lots of big, jagged boulders out away from the bluffline, I make my way back east to Little Shelter about 70 feet long at the base of the bluff.  Here I realize up tight to the bluffline with lots of loose rock underfoot is easier hiking than out away from the bluff on the steep slope with lots of loose rock and a thick layer of dead leaves.

a large grotto forms a sweeping arch at the base of the bluffs along the south side of Owens Mountain
in Grand Grotto

    Either way it’s pretty rough going but soon I reach the big grotto beneath the vista where I started, up above.  This is Grand Grotto easily 200 feet long, after recent rains has a waterfall at the center point, and the smooth multi-colored rock walls are beautiful anytime.  Just like the last smaller shelter, Grand Grotto isn’t very deep, only about 20 feet from the dripline in front to the back wall.

Leaf Grotto

    Continuing now to the south I have to head downhill away from the bluffs to bypass a large rock, then it’s back uphill to the bluff and the next grotto.  This one is much smaller and with a thick bed of leaves inside I understand why it’s called Leaf Grotto, at the south end of Leaf Grotto is a bluffline break for an easy exit back to the top.

bluffline break next to Leaf Grotto

    About halfway up the break I continue south on a nice flat ledge maybe 50 feet around to another grotto, this one also pretty short at around fifty feet is Upper Grotto.  Then not much farther is Acorn Grotto about the same size as Upper Grotto.  Beyond here near the edge of the bluff I can see that it’s a long way to the bottom, maybe I should have stayed down below.

Acorn Grotto

    But here is where I find an easy access the rest of the way up to the top, and after a short distance through the open woods headed east, I stumble onto a faint trail running north/south roughly parallel to the road.  I get on the trail going north which soon arrives at the top of the same bluffline break that I climbed halfway earlier.  From here the trail goes northeast maybe 100 yards further to the road.

moss and lichen

    Here where this faint trail ends, across Owens Mountain Road is a rock cairn marking the trail down into The Courtyard (see: 71 Owens and Ricketts Mt.), I turn north up the road just over 100 yards to my parked truck.  My hike here at Owens Grottoes ended up very short at only ¾ of a mile and less than 100 feet of elevation gain.

GPS coordinates for a small area on the south side of Owens Mt.

    This could have been a much longer hike since the bluffs extend farther both to the west and south, but it is pretty rough going, had I gone much further I probably wouldn’t have had enough energy for my next little hike up the road on Ricketts Mountain.  I drive back down to Cowell Road at the sharp left turn and left again at the next intersection onto Ricketts Mountain Road.

base map before fair use alterations is property of USFS Forest Service-
 under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 U.S. License

    Passing the very special parking/camping area, (click link above for: 71 Owens and Ricketts Mt.) and in another almost 800 feet is a small rock cairn on the south side of the road.  On the north side of the road is an ATV trail heading steeply straight up the hill, I park here and pull the emergency brake.

at the base of the bluff

    At the little rock cairn an obvious trail heads downhill to the southeast and right away a bluff forms to my left with sheer rock walls that will get taller as I continue east.  Leveling out the path soon ends on a ledge up about 25 feet from the trail down below, I backtrack less than 100 feet to a place where I can make the descent easily to the lower level and the trail that continues east.

boulder overhang

    The trail temporarily levels out for the next 100 yards to a fantastic bouldering area with crevices, big jagged boulders and rock overhangs all around.  The abundance of white chalk in handholds and the lack of climber's bolts tells me this is an area used for boulder climbing without ropes but instead a crash pad.

many climbing opportunities can easily be accessed from atop Owens and Ricketts Mountains.
bouldering area

    Continuing on, the trail is pretty faint most of the way but generally follows the bluffline east, it’s downhill around a large boulder then back up right away where I see a steep narrow bluffline break, a bailout exit.  Just past this emergency exit is a nice bear-crack but it’s a dead-end so I trudge along, up and down around big rocks it’s slow going.

crevice passage

    At a large section of the bluff that has separated creating a crevice less than three feet wide I take the beautiful passage even though it would have been shorter to by-pass.  Another 200 yards is a nice low shelter up on a dead-end ledge with a huge pine tree leaning against the bluff.  I backtrack about 50 feet or so to a spot where I’m able to slide off the smooth ledge down, back on the trail and past the big leaning pine.

leaning pine

    Beyond I notice another narrow bluffline break up a crevice but keep going around a corner.  Now I notice the bluff is really getting tall and I start wondering if I’ll find an easy exit out to the top.  Following this bluffline is very pretty although quite rough.  In about 200 yards is a nice wet weather waterfall in a mossy green crevice, today with just the sweet sounds of a trickle.

near Crevice Falls

    Now without any visible trail I go under 100 yards further past the crevice waterfall to a rugged rock fall area with a small shelter and lots of big sharp rocks everywhere.  The ever-taller bluffs keep going east but I decide to turn around here and head back to that steep bluffline break I passed a short way back.  Yes, it’s steep but a pretty easy climb back to the top and about a 200 yard walk north through open woods to the road.

rock fall area

    It’s an easy walk downhill on Ricketts Mountain Road of almost a quarter mile to my steep parking spot on the ATV trail and the end of today’s great adventures.  The south facing bluffline of Ricketts Mountain goes on for miles, today I barely scratched the surface hiking only one mile with a little over 200 feet of elevation gain.

GPS coordinates for the bluffline on the south side of Ricketts Mt.

    It’s a rugged bluffline and in the direct sun, I got pretty wore out, but as always, I wonder what I might have found had I just gone a little farther.  For detailed directions to Owens and Ricketts Mountains see: (71 Owens and Ricketts Mt.).

base map before fair use alterations is property of USFS Forest Service-
 under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 U.S. License


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