97 Riggs Hole

    Leaving Carver, we head north on Highway 123 a short way to the Hasty Cut-off.  After crossing the high bridge it’s only about a quarter mile to the entrance east down to Hasty Canoe Landing.  Pulling off the pavement it is about 100 yards down the steep, rutted access road to the parking lot and restroom.

    We came here once last year with the intention of spending a day swimming and relaxing but as soon as we got out of the truck the dark skies broke loose with a downpour.  We didn’t do any swimming that day but instead settled for a drive around in the rain on some very muddy back roads.

    Today under sunny skies we grab our stuff and head down the steep, sandy bank to the canoe launch area and gravel beach.  This is about the middle of Riggs Hole, we head upstream, across the river is towering Chimney Rock Bluff.  This is easily the tallest bluff we have seen at a swimming hole, and a beauty of a bluff it is.  The gravel bar here has lots of sand mixed with small gravel, making it quite nice and its pretty narrow only 30-40 feet from the tree line to the water.

    We set up camp in a sandy and shady spot right up tight to the trees, then head straight into the river.  The water is great, the gentle slope drops off quick to well over 12 feet deep.  Across the Buffalo under the bluff are lots of huge, interesting rocks to climb around in that have broken loose from the bluff and landed in the river.

a very nice swimming hole on the Buffalo River at Hasty Landing.
downstream end of Riggs Hole and the high bridge

    Kat floats around the hole relaxing while I explore upstream.  Riggs Hole at river mile 59 isn’t very long, less than 200 yards I would estimate.  I soon come to the upstream end of the hole where the river bends to the west.  Here there is a very steep break in the bluff with a little creek splashing noisily into the Buffalo.  Chimney Rock a natural arch for which this bluff is named, is up this little canyon less than a hundred yards.

    I climb up the bank near the noisy creek looking for a possible route up to Chimney Rock.  It appears ‘doable’ but not this time of year with all the undergrowth and I would definitely want some hiking boots since it’s pretty steep.  Maybe we’ll come back in the winter for a short hike up to Chimney Rock.

    Kicking back in our beach chairs admiring Chimney Rock Bluff with its crevices, ledges and ancient trees near the top I realize this really is a ‘special place’ and so peaceful.  We have seen quite a few people come and go today, but few stay very long though.  I guess Hasty is a place people stop at on their way to somewhere else.

    A group of four ladies unload their kayaks, one waits with the boats picking up some trash that some trashy people have left, while the others shuttle a vehicle downriver to Carver.  The others soon return, and the group is gone on their short float trip to Carver and we’re alone again beneath the fascinating bluff.

after a fine day at the beach

    Today turned out to be a great day, after a somewhat disappointing start and as you probably can guess I’m rating Riggs Hole pretty high.  Accessibility is pretty awesome but not quite as great as Tin Hole was.  The short access road is steep and rutted from all the people spinning out on their way back up to the highway, and the bank down from the parking lot is a little steep and sandy making it easy to slip.

    But I’m still giving Riggs Hole a solid 4 for accessibility.  Amenities, this is a great swimming hole in a beautiful location with a nice shady and sandy beach, a 4 at least, would be 5 if it were a little bigger and deeper.

    As for popularity like I said a lot of people come and go making this a popular place, but they don’t seem to hang around very long.  I’m going to say 3 for popularity and with beautiful Chimney Rock Bluff right in front of you this is a special place.  The score for Riggs Hole: 11+ not bad for a back-up. 


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