96 Tin Hole

    So far this summer, life has been pretty hectic, we have kept busy with home-improvement projects and health issues.  Here it is July already, today with temperatures predicted in the upper nineties, we're finally going to get a late start on swimming season.  I have chosen Tin Hole at Carver Landing as someplace new to check out.

    We have been to Carver many times, usually it’s nothing more than a pit-stop on our way further south.  Since Carver is so easy to get to, I wonder how we've overlooked Tin Hole for this long.  We drive down the Carver Campground Road east off of Highway 123, past the campground and restroom all the way to the Buffalo River canoe launch area at the confluence with Big Creek.  Here we turn right, upstream less than 100 yards to a shady area close to the highway bridge over the Buffalo.

on the Buffalo River via Highway 123 has easy access.
gravel bar at Carver Landing (pic taken in winter)

    Tin Hole just downstream of river mile 63 is supposed to be right here between Big Creek and the bridge, and other than the bridge itself this is a very pretty and serene location.  Plenty of shade and we’re parked right next to the water, so other than the occasional car crossing the bridge high above this is a great place for a day camp.

    The only problem: Tin Hole is gone, evidently filled in with gravel.  I splash around up and down the river from Big Creek up well past the bridge to a nice rock patio at the water’s edge and I never do find anywhere much more than waist deep.  Not really what we’re looking for, but a great place for little kids to play in the water.

    Since we never actually get settled in, it only takes a minute to throw our stuff back in the truck.  But before we go, I meet a young park ranger who tells us he just started with the NPS less than a month ago and he ‘absolutely loves his job’.  I can see why, he’s a ranger not park maintenance, his job description involves driving from one public use area to the next talking to visitors and reporting any potential ‘issues’ he may encounter, what’s not to love.

    We talk about a stray dog that has been here for a few days, he fears someone has abandoned it.   He has some dog treats in his pocket and hopes to catch him and try to find him a nice home.  We wish him luck, and we’re on our way.

    Well, for a rating of Tin Hole: it’s very easy to get to, and like I said we can park right at the edge of the river.  For accessibility it doesn’t get much better than this, a well-deserved 5.  Amenities though is a little harder to say, for a young family this possibly could rate a 5 as well, but since we’re looking for a place to actually swim, I can’t give Tin Hole much, the beach is nice and shady though so a 1 for amenities.

    We don’t see many people around today but of course we don’t hang around long enough to find out.  My young friend the Park Ranger says Carver ‘fills up on weekends’ so let’s just say a 3 for popularity.  For Tin Hole: 9 then, which I believe is too generous.  But other than the bridge, this is a lovely spot on the river so come on down and rate Tin Hole for yourself. 


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