74 A Bluffs Bushwhack at PRKB

    Back to Pedestal Rocks Kings Bluff SIA (PRKB), it’s been almost a year since our last visit so we’re about due.  Today the parking lot is pretty much filled-up, we do find a spot though.  One thing I have noticed about the pandemic, is ‘hiking’ has really gained in popularity.  Or maybe it’s just that with COVID-19 related ‘lay-offs’ hikers who once could only get out on the weekend are now out every day of the week.

multi-color bluffs

    Whatever the reason, people need to be able to ‘escape’ the mundane daily routine, and the great outdoors provides just about the best escape possible, and while hiking we can easily maintain ‘social distancing’ guidelines.  It's a shame though there are no camping sites here at PRKB, if there were we could spend multiple days here hiking and exploring the bluffs, caves and waterfalls.

near Wet Bluff Grotto

    Above you’ll notice I choose to call this hike ‘A Bluffs Bushwhack’ but it won’t entirely be bushwhacking, we start out south over the bridge on the Pedestal Rocks Loop to the ‘main intersection’ where we turn right (west) on the Kings Bluff Trail.  It’s just over a quarter mile down the trail to the same bluffline break we used last year to get from ‘Shelter 7’ back up to the trail (see: 29 Seven Shelters).

Cave 39

   This is where the bushwhack begins, we descend the steep hill passing Shelter 7 all the way down to the small creek at the bottom.  This is pretty rough going, especially as we get closer to the creek with lots of Arkansas jungle, at the bottom we head upstream a short way to a small shelter cave and bluff right at the creek, I’m calling this ‘Wet Bluff Grotto’ because that's a fair description.

'debris' along faint old road

    We cross the creek and climb the steep rocky hill following the bluffline to the southwest.  The terrain levels out some as we angle uphill away from the creek, then crossing a little side drainage we head uphill some more, to the west is a low broken bluff with some interesting little caves and shelters.  This is ‘Cave 39’ in Danny Hale’s numeric feature sequence and a nice place it is, after the rough and grueling quarter mile bushwhack to get here, we’re ready for a little rest, Cave 39 is just the ticket.

off-trail hiking

    Around on the west side of Cave 39 is a bluffline break that leads us up to the top and some expansive rock patios.  A rock patio is a much-appreciated thing when you’re on a bushwhack, with large areas of firm wide-open brush-free bedrock to wander around on and enjoy the fabulous views.  On the rock patio we follow the top of the bluff west then south where the patio ends we are now in open woods consisting mostly of pine, easy going for a while.  Soon coming to a little drainage with a nice 15-20 foot waterfall without much water, from stains on the bluff we can tell this is a beautiful place after a good rain.

Caves, bluffs and pedestals abound at Pedestal Rocks Kings Bluff.
approaching Cave 38

    Continuing, around the top of the drainage then west keeping near the top of the bluffs and soon onto another rock patio.  This one not quite as big as the last, still offers some fantastic views of the valley below.  Off the patio heading south there is more undergrowth but not bad, in about 100 yards is a bluffline break.  We take the plunge down through the break, at the bottom is an old road, easy going now headed north.

inside small cave

    We pass an old rusty box-spring with a mattress made of sticks and dry leaves, before arriving at a dead-end and another small cave.  This is Cave 38 aka Hobo Cave since the assumption is someone was living down here in the not-too-distant past.  After exploring a little we head out, back up the old road and up the bluffline break.  South in about 200 feet we pass another wet weather fall, this one too would be quite nice with a little rain.

leaky roof in Hobo Cave

    Here at the waterfall, we leave the bluffs heading uphill to a small ridge, then down the other side, beyond that around the next ridge and next drainage.  Although off-trail the woods are wide open and fairly clean.  We’re looking for ‘TAKAHIK Cave’ but we can’t seem to locate it, maybe the GPS is acting up, discouraged we eventually give up.  We head up this drainage to the south then east back to the main Pedestal Rocks Trail, turn north and in a little over half a mile are back at the parking area.

back at the trailhead

    The bushwhack portions of the hike were very different from each other: the first, to Cave 39 was rough and steep with lots of undergrowth, the second along the top of the bluffs including rock patios was easy wide-open with gorgeous scenery, the last section after leaving the bluffs through the woods and out to the main trail was not bad through mostly open woods.  Overall as far as bushwhacks go I would call it a moderate bushwhack, we had a great time of course.  Today we hiked 3.1 miles with about 300 feet elevation gain.  For driving directions and a map of our documented hikes in the PRKB see: (35 Wonders Downunder).

A Bluffs Bushwhack: Statistics Chart 74


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