78 Indian Rockhouse

We really have overlooked Indian Rockhouse, I don’t know why. Maybe because Buffalo Point where Indian Rockhouse is located is the biggest most developed place on the river. Buffalo Point pre-dates Buffalo National River by over 30 years, was created as Buffalo State Park back in 1938 by the state of Arkansas, the National Forest Service and the Civilian Conservation Corps. It's a great place, with a ranger station, multiple camping areas, rental cabins and even a restaurant. There are miles of hiking trails, including the Indian Rockhouse Trail. small sinkhole We decide to check it out thinking since it’s the off-season at campgrounds and canoeing destinations, maybe we won’t encounter too many others out on the trails. Also, today's the day after Thanksgiving, everyone should be shopping (Black Friday) or laying around the house with the lingering effects of tryptophan. Anyway, here we are ...