139 Owens Grottoes & Ricketts South Bluffs
On our last two trips to Owens and Ricketts Mountains we noticed a couple more places that looked interesting, first on our way back from Owens Point (see: 89 Owens Point ) we found a bluff top view not far off the road and what looked like hiking opportunities down below. The other was a rock cairn at the south side of the road as we were driving up to Ricketts Mountain Cemetery (see: 93 Ricketts Knob and Owens Rock) . looking down into Grand Grotto Today I want to check out both these areas, first I head up Owens Mountain Road off Cowell Road, up the hill to the parking area at the top which is also a great camping area. I park here on the big slab of bedrock just off the road and head south to the nice vista just 100 yards away. Right at the top of the small drainage, to my left the bluffline heads due south and right is to the west. near bottom of bluffline break Hiking west along the top I onl...