6 Hedges Homestead

    Three week later we’re back, and again we start our hike at Boxley Trailhead. This time after reaching the Whiteley Cemetery we keep going up the trail passing a long rock wall as we continue uphill.  At the top the trail follows an old road with the old Whiteley School across the road.  At the school which is now just a tall rock foundation we turn right (west) and soon pass through a gate marking the Upper Buffalo Wilderness boundary.

Stonework including two large fireplaces is about all that remains of the once impressive Harold and Margaret Hedges home, located in the Upper Buffalo Wilderness
ruins of Hedges Homestead

    Another 100 feet or so, on the left is an old homesite. Not much is left other than a root cellar and foundation, there is a television in the front though! In about 0.2 miles past the gate a small steep stream crosses the trail. Today with the recent rains, there are small waterfalls everywhere.  I count at least nine, just from where I'm standing on the trail.  From here we continue to a faint intersection where we turn right (west). The 'road' in this area is pretty overgrown but soon gets better.

Hedges Homestead

   The trail then heads down a fairly steep hill to the Hedges driveway. Turning right we head down the rock lined driveway with a small pond on our left, and soon come to some interesting out-buildings, these appear to be a garage, shed and workshop.


    Continuing along the rock wall we soon arrive at the Hedge's house, which burned down in 1990 but even in ruin was obviously a very nice place. All that remains is the foundation and two impressive fireplaces along with lots of other debris. There is also very extensive stonework in both the front and back yard areas.

A swimming hole: 'Pickle Hole' named after J P 'Pickle' Edgemon, an early settler along the upper Buffalo River.
Pickle Hole

    Back at the out-buildings we follow the road behind the 'shop' down the hill towards the river and arrive at the old Edgmon barn, which predates the Hedge's home.  On the east side of the barn is a nice campsite, from there a trail goes east then north down to the Buffalo River.  This is Pickle Hole, a beautiful swimming hole with big boulders in the river.  Pickle Hole marks the end of the trail (for us anyway), we head back the way we came hiking a total of 3.42 miles round-trip with about 400' elevation gain.

downstream at Pickle Hole

    Hedges Homestead: Statistics Chart 6      South Boxley Trailhead is easy to find with a big sign at the entrance, which is at the south end of the Boxley Valley, turn right off Highway 21 approximately 1.2 miles south of the Boxley Bridge over the Buffalo River.

base map before fair use alterations is property of ArcGIS--licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 U.S. License


Anonymous said…
Looks very interesting, looking forward to reading more

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