5 McIlroy Madison County WMA Glory B & Road 299 Falls

    This morning started out with wind, sleet, and temperatures just below freezing. It didn't seem to be a good day to go hiking, but we wanted to get out and do something anyway. I guess 'cabin fever' is setting in. We decide to go on a drive to the Madison County WMA, (having never been there) and just check it out. Upon arrival at the Wildlife Management Area the weather hasn't improved much, so we drive to a couple 'roadside falls’ as Tim Ernst calls them.

Glory B Falls

    First, we visit Glory B Falls; a true roadside fall, less than 50 feet from the road.  You can't really consider this a hike, just a short walk down from the road to the base of the falls.  It's a very pretty little falls, about eight feet tall and maybe six wide.  Well worth the effort even though there is none (effort that is), from Glory B we drive up to Road 299 and Road 299 Falls.

Located in the McIllroy Madison County Wildlife Management Area, Road 299 Falls is named for the backroad you have to find to access the fall.
Road 299 Falls

    It's harder to find the road than the falls. This one could almost be called a hike, at around 300 feet from parking spot to the falls. And again, well worth the effort which is all uphill coming back out. The falls plunge about 20 feet in a lovely little grotto. We thoroughly enjoyed both these little waterfalls even though the weather conditions never did improve.

bluff near Road 299

    After a quick stop in Berryville for a cappuccino we drive back home, with the windshield wipers on the whole time. Today we hiked maybe 800 feet with less than 50 feet elevation change.  You can read about our next little adventure at McIlroy Madison WMA here: (31 Tea Kettle Falls).

cascades above Glory B Falls

Glory B & Road 299 Falls: Statistics Chart 5     McIlroy Madison County Wildlife Management Area is a big area (14,435 acres) and can be easily entered from the west side off Highway 23 at 3 or 4 different dirt roads, also coming in from the south off Highway 127 is close to Glory B Falls.  Entry from the north from Berryville follow Highway 221 which ends at the McIlroy Madison WMA.


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