184 Beyond the BRT in Pruitt
Today I’m going back to the Buffalo River to do some exploring around Pruitt, specifically downriver from the end of the Buffalo River Trail at Pruitt picnic area. The BRT consists of two separate trails, the ‘upstream’ section from South Boxley Trailhead to Pruitt Day Use Area and the ‘mid river’ section from Richland Creek at the confluence with the Buffalo down to Dillard’s Ferry (combo BRT/OHT). looking down off the top of Hurd/Desmond Bluff The upstream section ends before river mile 52 and the mid river section doesn’t start until just short of mile 79, in between is 27 miles of river without a trail. It would be great to see the Buffalo River Trail connect these two separate trails someday, but in the mean time I guess we’ll have to rely on old roads and bushwhacks to fill in the space. An inconvenience sure, but it does make for a more natural experience . Buffalo River below new parking lot Some ‘...