
Showing posts from 2024

176 Morris Spring on Jimmie Creek

       Almost two weeks ago I got an early start and didn’t go far from home, hoping to get a little hiking done before the heat of the day, that worked out well (see: 175 Camp Trail at Mincy) .   Today’s plan is the same only the destination has changed, instead  of nearby Drury Mincy Conservation Area in Missouri, I’m going to nearby Slippery Hollow Natural Heritage Area in Arkansas. Morris Spring on Jimmie Creek      Slippery Hollow of the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission consists of three separated units or sections, the smallest (205 acres) and furthest south I’m calling the ‘Jimmie Creek Unit’ since its headwaters flow through this section.   The small pull-out parking area is at the big ‘Slippery Hollow’ sign on the south side of Welcome Ridge Road less than half a mile east of SR 14 in Lakeway.  For some past adventures at Slippery Hollow see: ( 108 Big Music & Boozer, and 109 Marble Falls Spring) trailhead on Welcome Ridge Rd. Horse Nettle      ‘The trail’ (for wha

175 Camp Trail at Mincy Conservation Area

       Here it is the end of May, and I haven’t done any hiking since the tenth, (see: 174 Fern Falls )  it has just been too hot.  Today I’m going to nearby Drury-Mincy Conservation Area, it only takes about half an hour to get there.  By keeping the destination close to home, I can hopefully get in a quick hike before the heat of the day. late spring wildflowers      Paved roads all the way to Gunnison Trailhead, I’m on the trail by 8:30 and its 74°, not bad.  The Bear Cave Trail heads west from here, when I hiked that trail (see: 112 Bear Mountain Loop) I noticed another trail across Gunnison Road going east.  This is the trail I’ll explore today, it’s clearly marked at the side of the road, I head into the woods slightly downhill and curving around from east to north. roadside trail sign      Although I don’t know for sure where this trail will take me (not yet anyway), it’s heading in the direction of the Mincy  campground area.  The trail's in good shape, easy to follow an

174 Fern Falls and Beyond

       On my last three hikes I have driven past the big ‘Scenic 7 Byway’ sign while heading farther south, and each time I said to myself ‘I should go see Fern Falls again, since it’s been so long’.  We have been here, but the last time was way back in 2015, long before I started writing blogposts after our hikes.  I pull off Highway 7 at the big sign and park in the grass, although the ground is pretty wet it doesn’t seem too soft. Fern Falls      The very muddy trail heads west right next to the ‘sign’ then under the powerline, other than all the mud everywhere this is an excellent trail, obviously well used.  I soon spot a pond above the trail, climbing up the bank to see how big it is I notice lots of poison-ivy, the pond is small but pretty in the lush forest. near trailhead      Not far past the pond the trail turns right at a rock cairn, straight ahead appears to be an old road but I stay on the obvious trail which begins to gradually head downhill.  Then only about 100 yards