
Showing posts from October, 2023

149 Big Creek Trail

       I have been contemplating Big Creek Trail from Tilting Rock all the way down to the Buffalo River for quite some time.   But on the  map,  this looks like a long steep hike, and I’m just not sure that this is something I'm ready  to tackle .   Last week I hiked up the BRT from Steele Creek then back on the ORT, on the map these two hikes appear to be similar in distance and elevation gain.   And since my Steel Creek Loop hike (see: 148 Steele Beech Loop ) really was a pretty easy hike I have decided to go ahead and see what Big Creek Trail has to throw at me . Cold Spring Schoolhouse      Parking at the Log Wagon Gap Trailhead along Big Creek Road has room for 6-8 vehicles and a couple more if the fallen tree is ever removed.   I begin my hike here following the road till it ends at a cable gate right next to Tilting Rock (aka Wobble Rock).   On top Tilting Rock I don’t feel any movement or wobble at all, moving from one side to the other still nothing, oh-well so much f

148 Steele and Beech Creeks Loop

     When we got up this morning,  I was pleasantly surprised by temps just above 40°, I decided to go hiking right then.   Heading down to Steele Creek Campground, I pass Centerpoint Trailhead around 9:00 and the trailhead parking area is already completely full.   A lot of others apparently agree, today will be a great day for a hike. Big Bluff on the Buffalo      Above the canoe launch area at Steele Creek is a big parking area, I park here close to Steele Creek and notice I’m all alone.   The only other vehicle in sight is one truck with horse trailer across the big field at the horse camp.   As I take my time gearing up for the hike four more cars arrive, I knew I wouldn’t be alone for long, today is Saturday after all.      After a few brief conversations with arriving hikers and a park ranger who just transferred here from Colorado but doesn’t know much about the BNR, I head south to the corner of a fence.   Right away as I enter the woods above Steele Creek,  I find a faint tr