135 Clabber Creek to Cedar Creek

Most folks who do any hiking in the Ozarks, know old roads make good hiking routes, many established trails follow these old roads. The thing that seems strange to me, why do ‘map makers’ choose not to show old roads in wilderness areas? The roads didn’t just disappear when the wilderness designation was approved by congress, and since they do make for some great hiking, why remove them from the maps? Today I’m going hiking with the assumption that an old road exists between Clabber Creek and Cedar Creek along the Buffalo River at the edge of the Lower Buffalo Wilderness, hopefully I’m right, otherwise this will be a long bushwhack. Clabber Creek at Crossing Down at the bottom of Rush Road past the canoe launch area, I follow the road all the way to its end. Going through many deep mud holes along the way I park at what is known as ‘Rush parking area 4’ on a leveled hill above the confluence of Clabber Cre...