2 Terry Keefe Falls


   For the middle of winter, the weather today sure is nice, so we just had to get out and do something.  The goal then is easy, just get out for a nice drive, check out the campground at Richland Creek Wilderness and maybe find Keefe Falls. After stopping at Falling Water Falls for the mandatory viewing, we continue down to the campground. At the entrance we find a locked gate and sign stating, 'campground closed due to the government shutdown'.

Falling Water Falls

     Hmm...oh well, on to Keefe Falls! Five years ago, we tried to find Keefe Falls but were evidently in the next drainage north. Today with better directions, we have no problem. There is a good trail that heads east up the hollow on the north side of a little creek, then turns to the north where the creek forks. This trail crosses the north fork a couple times and soon ends at Keefe Falls. The falls are running a little weak today, but still pretty impressive. Tall Keefe Falls and the tight canyon are beautiful.

Terry Keefe Falls near Richland Creek Wilderness and Falling Water Creeek
Terry Keefe Falls

    After spending some time enjoying Keefe Falls, we make our way back down to where the north fork meets the south fork. Here we decide to try hiking up the east side of the south fork to Splashdown Falls. After passing the small yet pretty falls 3, the drainage becomes steep and rough. With huge boulders to climb over and around, we decide enough is enough. Splashdown Falls will have to wait for another day, and hopefully an easier route.  We return the way we came back to the car. Today we hiked about 1.5 miles, with an elevation change of 250 feet.

rocky south fork

Keefe Falls: Statistics Chart 2     
There are a couple good parking spots next to Falling Water Road (FR1205) approximately 1.1 miles north of the concrete bridge over Falling Water Creek or 2.85 miles south of the concrete bridge over Richland Creek.

base map before fair use alterations is property of ArcGIS--licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 U.S. License


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