124 Hiner Hole Two

Today’s plan is to drive down NC 2890 past Hiner Hole and check out the other holes farther up-river that we didn’t get to when we were here a couple weeks ago, namely Dry Ford Hole and Miss Hickman Spring Hole. About a mile in on NC 289 0 we notice the road seems worse than last trip here, really tore-up. We soon find the culprit; the county road grader is working on the poor road making it even worse. We wait while he pushes some cedars up the bank on the right then he pulls off the road enough that we’re able to squeeze past. Well, the old road down to Dry Ford Hole isn’t where the map shows, in fact we find no road at all, farther along are a couple old roads both with locked cable gates. Oh well, with a name like ‘Dry Ford Hole’ we weren’t expecting much anyway. Down the road about another mile at a sharp right turn is an old road to the left going down to ‘Miss Hickman’s’ which has not one but tw...