40 Leatherwood Creek

Just so there isn't any confusion, this is not the Leatherwood Creek in the Leatherwood Wilderness of the lower Buffalo. This is Leatherwood Creek flowing into the upper Buffalo at Ponca Low Water Bridge. Previously, thousands of day-trippers walked right over this little stream with no idea of the beauty that is hiding just upstream. But since around 2017 this creek has become one of the more popular hikes that start at the low water bridge. Ponca low-water bridge Hiking is just a sideline activity from here, Ponca Low Water Bridge is the most popular canoe launch site on the entire river, it’s also a trailhead for the Buffalo River Trail, Old River Trail and the short interpretive loop to Villines Homestead, so naturally you can expect to see lots of people here any time of year. 'falls 2' We walk across the bridge and head over the dirt berm just to the left of the trailhead sign for the BRT going south. ...