37 Ozark to Cedar Glade on the BRT

We must have been impressed with the Buffalo River Trail. Just three days ago we hiked the BRT for the first time and here we are back already, for my description of that hike see: ( 36 Pruitt to Ozark ) . Today we begin at the Ozark Campground and continue upriver. boulder in the Buffalo The trailhead is at the bottom of the hill as you enter the campground, and this is where we park. We have the Ozark Campground all to ourselves, not a soul in sight, I had thought that with this gorgeous weather for late December, hikers would be here taking advantage of their time off work for Christmas. rock steps We start hiking to the south from the edge of the campground and are soon in the woods down in the floodplain not far from the Buffalo. Over left of the trail are interesting rocks, crevices and low bluffs. Soon we come to the trail intersection with the Old River Trail (ORT), which joins the BRT for...