Yesterday we got a bunch of rain, almost four inches. And south of us in the Ozark National Forest
they got even more. On top of that,
today is supposed to be cooler, so a great day to do some waterfall chasing. We’re
heading to the upper reaches of Eldridge Hollow along the Ozark Highlands Trail which is full of waterfalls.
near top of Eldridge Hollow
The dirt roads to the
trailhead from the Fallsville area are in pretty good shape, although they do seem to get worse as we get closer to the trailhead. We’re
starting our hike today from the north side of Eldridge Hollow, there’s also a
trailhead at the south end so you could do a one-way hike with two vehicles.
(possibly Lower Eldridge Falls?)
The parking area/trailhead is in a little clearing that has probably been used as a deer camp. We walk back
through the tall grass in the clearing to the Ozark Highlands Trail. Since it
just rained yesterday the trail and everything else is pretty wet but there
isn’t much mud. We follow the OHT
downhill to the first stream crossing near the top of the hollow. It’s flowing well
but narrow enough that we can hop across, on the other side the trail
levels out some.
tumblin' cascade
In another quarter mile
or so we start hearing falling water, and soon arrive at waterfalls above and below the trail. These are Upper and Lower
Eldridge Hollow Falls. With lots of flow
both falls look fantastic. But we are at an impasse, all the whitewater along with the wet
slippery rocks at the crossing not to mention the top of Lower Eldridge Falls
just a few feet below, this is an ‘intimidating’ crossing
to say the least.
lovely falls viewed from OHT
We decide not to take the chance of a slip and fall. Just twenty or thirty feet below the lower falls is another pouroff
waterfall coming off the bluff on the north side. I don’t think this fall has a name and I’m
sure it won’t last long once things dry out a little. But today it's a thing of beauty, here at the edge of the creek on the OHT is a gorgeous spot with waterfalls all around us.  |
wet weather falls?
There are many more waterfalls in Eldridge Hollow farther down the trail and down in the hollow, so a return visit is in order. Today though, there’s just too much
water for safe creek crossings. We only hike about 2 miles with just over 200 feet elevation gain. We didn’t get as far as we would have liked,
but we still had a good time on the Ozark Highlands Trail. For more on Eldridge Hollow including a map and statistics chart see: (48 Eldridge Hollow).