192 Parker Ridge Rd. to Hurricane Creek
I have wanted to see Natural Bridge in Hurricane Creek Wilderness for a long time, but it’s not the easiest place to get to, although right next to Ozark Highlands Trail. The nearest trailhead to the arched rock is Fort Douglas Trailhead, six miles one way. Or Chancel Trailhead is seven miles one way, both these routes involve crossing Hurricane Creek. There is a shorter way, but it also requires crossing Hurricane Creek plus trespasses on private property (see: 85 Hurricane and Rock Creek ) . Hurricane Creek After doing some ‘map studying’ I’ve decided to try getting to Natural Bridge by hiking down the mountain from Parker Ridge with no 'wet' crossings. It appears to be a pretty straight forward proposition and with a few old roads part of the way, and beautiful weather maybe today’s the day I’ll finally get to see The Natural Bridge of Hurricane Creek Wilderness. I turn off Parker Ridge Rd. onto FR 9273...