189 Greenhaw Mountain Loop
We’re supposed to reach the mid-sixties this afternoon for our high but it’s only in the low twenties this morning, I hang around the house till after 9:00 waiting for the temps to warm up a little. Heading south I decide to hike another small piece of the Ozark Highlands Trail. The plan is to turn it into a loop utilizing an old road, arriving at a Forest Service gate with lots of parking it’s 11:00 the thermometer in the truck reads 54°. Richland Creek This gate signed ‘Road Closed’ is on Greenhaw Mountain Road (FR1200A), here is a big parking and camping area on the ridge of Greenhaw Mountain. Around the gate the recently graded road continues south, that’s right ‘graded’ all the way down to Moore CCC OHT Spur. I suppose this was done with horse and bicycle traffic in mind or maybe in preparation for upcoming logging. Greenhaw Mtn. Rd. scrapped clean I just don’t know why the Forest ...