179 Autumn in Richland Valley
As October winds down, it’s shaping up to be one of the hottest on record and also one of the driest. Evidently the lack of rain has an adverse effect on the fall colors , well they still seem pretty awesome to me, so we have decided to go for a ‘country drive’ to admire the autumnal display. I have picked Richland Road for our little tour since the lack of rain should ensure easy crossings of both Buffalo River and Richland Creek. out on The Narrows We head for Woolum, planning to drive down North Richland Road (SC 14) from north to south. Taking N. Woolum Road out of Pindall is the way to go since the S. Woolum Road out of Saint Joe has fallen victim to High Banks of the Buffalo. If you do come down S. Woolum, detour around the road closure on Oakland Road, it’s a little rough with multiple creek crossings see: 129 Robertson Hole . N. Richland Rd. near Buffalo Richland confluence Passing through Woolum we see loads of horse trailers over in the campground, a...