126 The Real Deal at Arnold Hole

It has cooled off considerably since that blistering day back in early July when we last went to Arnold Hole, (see: 122 Arnold Hole ) , in fact the entire month of August has been quite nice with highs in the eighties and nineties. We thought we should give Arnold Hole (at river mile 91 ) another chance, today though we're trying to reach the hole from the other side of the river. exit shoal across placid Arnold Hole We turn west onto Hwy. 374 in St. Joe, at the sign for ‘Woolum’ and ‘Baker Ford’. The paved highway soon curves around to the south and at the fork in front of a church we turn left off the pavement onto Baker Ford Road. This gravel road has lots of small potholes and washboard , so we go slow, passing the north end of Fantail Drive then turn left at the other end of Fantail Drive, maybe a half mile further. East on Fantail isn’t bad for a dirt road, in just a half mile is a right turn onto Gladiator Road...