
Showing posts from June, 2022

121 Tie Chute Hole

     While looking at maps for new swimming holes to check out, I saw three holes relatively close to Spring Creek Campground which is also a new place for us to explore.   My maps don’t show any roads to these three holes but we’re going to give it a shot , we also have some back up plans ‘just in case’.    We turn off Highway 14 onto west bound Spring Creek Road (SC99) about 4 miles south of the Buffalo River bridge and less than half a mile north of Cozahome Road.      Spring Creek Road isn’t bad a typical dirt and gravel road, mostly level for the first mile then down a moderately steep hill passing Spring Creek Trailhead for the BRT on its way to the campground along the river at the bottom.    ‘May Cemetery’ is about 100 yards off Spring Creek Rd. close to where the road bottoms out, and this is where we look for an old road heading back to the cemetery and hopefully either Slough Hole or Spring Creek Hole both downstream of river mile 115 and near the cemetery. wide and shallow

120 Red Bluff & Sand Hole

     Today is another ‘hot’ one, the extended forecast is calling for a long hot summer , so hot in fact we could pick any or every day to go swimming.  It’s also the first day of summer, the longest day of the year, we feel obligated to get out and enjoy the day.  We’re going to Sand Hole, I remember that I really liked Sand Hole two years ago, it’s pretty remote so probably not a lot of people, I’ve got my fingers crossed.  For our first visit to Sand Hole see: ( 61 Sand Hole ) . looking upriver at Sand Hole and beyond     The drive in is a lot better than remembered, Osbourne Road is now paved all the way to the turn-off to Gilbert where we fork to the left, then a little further at the next fork  we go right on Mercy Lane.  The next fork in the road is Sand Hole Road we veer left staying on Mercy Lane for a little ‘side trip’ up to Red Bluff.  It isn’t far maybe a quarter mile to the nice parking spot off the road to the right up on a short hill. scenic view from Red Bluff      Th

119 Back to Crow Hole

     Last year we didn’t find much time for relaxation at swimming holes, in fact we only went swimming three times all summer.  I won’t make  excuses but  will try to do better this year, with a goal of making the time to go swimming at least once a week.  After all, a day on the river is a great way to beat the heat and besides that swimming is excellent exercise.      I’ll continue rating the swimming holes we visit, for an explanation of the ratings criteria see: ( Swimming Holes of Summer ).  K eep in mind the rating is for the day of our visit only as conditions change all the time (especially popularity) and can be completely different on your visit, hopefully you’ll experience an even higher rating.  I t got up to 98° yesterday , today is forecast to be more of the same and although it isn’t ‘officially’ summer yet we’re ready to kick-off swimming season.      I have a few swimming holes in mind, all near Pruitt and easily accessible.  Since today is Monday, we’re hoping that