
Showing posts from April, 2022

116 Jack Jones and Rose

     I've decided to have another go at Suzy Jimmy Falls on Richland Creek, back in December we only went a short way up Sugar Gap Road before encountering ‘no trespassing’ signs at a gate across the road, and gave up on visiting Suzy Jimmy.  Today I want to try another possible route to Suzy Jimmy Falls that doesn’t involve any private property or Richland Creek crossings.    I park in a sharp turn north of Moore right on the berm at one of those ‘water diversion’ channels plowed off the side of the road.      Getting as far off the road as possible, it isn’t the greatest parking spot,  but it’ll do at least there's plenty of room for traffic to get around me.    I start out east straight down the little diversion channel it’s a little steep but not bad, I soon land on an old road trace.   After about 100 yards on the old road are some bearing trees designating the National Forest (wilderness)  boundary, maybe  100 feet past this boundary I leave the road on a good but fain

115 Macedonia Loop on Hudson Mountain

     Yesterday a big storm swept through the Ozarks  dumping almost four inches of rain, we decided to go find some waterfalls.  But where to go, we want a bunch of falls in a relatively small area and without a huge elevation gain.    We  drive up Hudson Mountain to check out Macedonia School Falls, The Hood Falls, Hood Pouroff and Hudson  Mountain Falls.   These are all impressive waterfalls after a big rain but since they’re high up in their drainages, they tend to dry up quick, they’re also pretty close together. misty mountain magic      We arrive on Hudson Mountain Road pretty early (by our standards) not yet ten o’clock, the road itself is in real good shape considering all the rain yesterday.  The shoulder of the road however is a different story, very wet and muddy many areas with standing water.  Not wanting to get stuck on the side of the road we end up parking in a turn-around area just before a dirt berm across the road about a half mile east of our intended parking spot.