111 Bee Creek and Cornell Road

Drury-Mincy Conservation Area (4,089 acres) is across the state line in Missouri, next to Bull Shoals Lake, one of those ‘close to home’ places I have been wanting to check out. Today looks to be a good chance, since most of the snow has melted and the weather prediction says: 'sunny with highs in the low sixties'. Drury-Mincy has two separated sections: Drury Conservation Area (DCA) to the northeast, and the larger Mincy Conservation Area (MCA) farther south, at the south end of Mincy is Bee Creek, that’s where I’ll start exploring. Bee Creek at Bull Shoals Lake Pulling into MCA along Bee Creek I follow the road as far as I can, Bee Creek flows into Bull Shoals but the road turns to the north before reaching the lake. The road crosses Bee Creek four times, with no bridges each ford is deeper than the one before. After the fourth crossing the road turns away from Bee Creek heading up the hill covered in sheets ...