101 Blue Hole

I never thought we would be going swimming at the end of September, but it has been a long hot summer and with highs today predicted to be in the low nineties this may be our last chance this year. Four days ago, we went on our first hike of the season and found Blue Hole, a beautiful swimming hole just upstream from river mile 78 and the Woolum landing. At that time, I promised myself to come back someday to go swimming, I just didn’t think it would be this soon. We cross the Buffalo at the same spot as last week, I’ll call this ford the ‘relocated’ Woolum Ford. The crossing today is just over a foot deep but there are a few bigger rocks we need to avoid, still an easy crossing. Up a short sandy hill on the south side of the river and we stay straight (west) where the road turns to the south and up another sandy hill. Now we’re on a cobblestone road I’ve been calling 'Volunteer Road'...