88 A Drive in the Country

Three weeks ago, we set out to hike up Hurricane Creek to Natural Bridge but after running into private property ended up on Big Piney Road to City Road 311, see: ( 85 Rock Creek ...). Just over half a mile up City Road 311 we crossed Rock Creek, found a spot to park and hiked up to Rock Creek Bluff Falls. We vowed to return to Rock Creek since the place is fantastic, there is so much more to explore in this large area of beautiful bluffs, waterfalls, shelter caves, rock formations and an amazing hidden box canyon. Big Piney access at Limestone I decided that day we should try coming in from the north down City Road 311 which would take us through Limestone, once an actual town with store and post office. I have been curious to see Limestone for years, and if we can make it down City Road 311 all the way to Rock Creek well, that would be a huge short-cut, compared to our usual route into the area via Parker R...