83 Stack Rock Homestead Falls

Today is the first day since the historic storm of February 2021 that is supposed to be warm and I'm ready for some hiking. We decide on the Richland Creek area and somewhere we have never been, a t Dickey Junction we turn down Richland Road. This road eventually takes you to the Buffalo River at Woolum, we’re not going that far. The three miles down Richland Road to the trailhead is easy enough, we turn left at the ‘Stack Rock OHT Trailhead’ sign into the parking area outside a closed gate. you can't miss the trailhead Our goal today is to see both Stack Rock Homestead Falls and Orange Rock Falls, we decided to pass on Punchbowl Falls which is the ‘premier’ waterfall in this area but probably too far for us today, especially since we haven’t done any hiking in over six weeks. We head through the gate on the Ozark Highlands Trail north and start downhill into a small drainage staying 100 feet or more from...