66 Boat Hole and Robertson Hole

We’re going back to Woolum for more swimming, we were here just three days ago and were pretty impressed with Robertson Hole. Today though we want to check out Boat Hole which is upstream from Woolum Ford at river mile 78 . To get there from the main Woolum parking area we continue south towards Woolum Ford and turn right (west) on a narrow muddy road about 100 feet before reaching the river. This short road is in the floodplain of the Buffalo (impassible during high water), at its end is a steep little bank up and over onto the gravel-bar. Parked on the gravel-bar we notice this is a small beach made up mostly of ‘softball’ size river rock. ‘Small’ is maybe an understatement, it’s tight just getting the truck turned around, but at least we’re parked right at the hole. Or maybe not, walking the 20 foot or so on uncomfortable river rock to the water we can’t see anything but ‘shallow whitewater’ for 100 f...