
Showing posts from June, 2020

55 Richland Falls

     Today the goal is to hike to Richland Falls.  Should be simple enough, right?  I have wanted to see this waterfall for many years.  Although it’s going to be pretty warm and humid, finally today’s the day, one simple goal; go see Richland Falls.  O nce again Richland Campground is closed, the sign on the gate blames COVID19 and goes on to say, ‘dispersed camping in the National Forest is allowed’ and ‘all trails remain open’.   Once again, we park near the gate next to the blackberries. Falling Water Creek near the crossing      We hike down the campground road then past the second gate and down through the lower campground to the bulletin board which is the trailhead.  From here we enter the Falling Water floodplain of round river rock and come to the banks of Falling Water Creek. early summer jungle      We came prepared for this crossing, removing the zip-off legs of our quick dry hiking pants and changing from hiking boots to water sandals.  Wading across Falling Water Creek i

54 Parker-Hickman Eight

    Today we’re going to hike another little section of the Buffalo River Trail, but instead of an ‘in and out’ type hike I have devised sort of a loop.  Actually, two small loops that meet in the middle right at the Parker-Hickman parking area, which together form a lopsided figure eight.  Therefore, almost half of the ‘Parker-Hickman Eight’ isn’t on the BRT.  We’ll begin our hike at the parking area for  Parker-Hickman Homestead . Parker-Hickman Farm      At the back of the parking lot is the BRT Trailhead, heading south along Webb Branch the trail soon joins a road.   A hundred yards further we cross Webb Branch, still on the road.   The trail then leaves the road and continues up a little side creek.   Where we left the road there was a sign that said,  ‘Discovery Site’ and points up the road. more out-buildings from parking area      I have read about these ‘discovery sites’ which consist of ruins of old homes or barns that the NPS has determined are in good enough shape that the

53 Richland Campground

     It’s pretty warm for hiking today but we decided to get out anyway, I don’t know how much hiking we’ll do though.  I chose the Richland Creek area mainly because I have been wanting to hike to Richland Falls and we’re just waiting for the flow in Falling Water Creek to subside enough for crossing.  We’ll check that out today, among other things. mouth of Richland Creek at Woolum      Arriving at the Richland Campground we find the heavy wood gate locked, again.  With a sign on the gate stating, 'campgrounds of the Ozark National Forest are closed due to COVID19 restrictions'.  Not surprised, the gate was locked back at the end of April when we hiked into Wild River.  We park here, near the gate but off the road, next to a wild blackberry bramble. Richland Creek      We walk around the gate into the campground, the ‘closure’ isn’t such a bad thing we decide since it gives us an opportunity to wander the campsites and decide which we like best.   But first we head down to th