
Showing posts from October, 2019

29 Seven Shelters

     We have been here before; the Pedestal Rocks Kings Bluff Special Interest Area (PRKB) is no doubt special and interesting.  Paved roads all the way here probably adds to the popularity, and today is Friday but we’re hoping it’s not too crowded. below the bluff      Our first couple visits here we didn’t even know about all the ‘off trail’ wonders awaiting the hiker willing to do a little bushwhacking.  Today our plan is to hike to an area below Kings Bluff Trail known as Seven Shelters.   At the parking area we count four or five vehicles, since  this is a big place that shouldn’t be a problem. multi-color cave walls         From the trailhead we take the Kings Bluff Loop Trail.   Soon we arrive at an intersection and turn left onto a less used trail.   This isn’t an official trail but actually a maintenance road used by the Forest Service.   It doesn’t appear they use it very often though as it looks more like a trail to me.   We gradually head down the ‘road’ until it ends at th

28 Long Ridge

    This morning we’re on our way to Long Ridge for a hike along an amazing bluff with shelters, caves, bear cracks and more.  In Cowell we turn right on the dirt road south off Scenic Highway 7 that circles around behind the cemetery.  Then turn right again and head south on Taylor Ridge Road which starts out pretty good, even past the parking spot for Lonesome Hollow. split boulder     B ut after passing through the National Forest boundary gate the road gets worse in a hurry.  It’s not that rough but has a few mud holes, is narrow in places and a little overgrown.   Actually, it's more of an ATV trail than a road, we drive on slowly passing a few possible parking spots along the way.  When the road begins a gradual descent, we find a parking spot. Long Ridge Crevice    After parking we continue down the road/ATV trail.  The trail continues downhill and curves around to the left at the base of the bluffline.  On our right (south) is a huge boulder that has split in the middle.  N

27 Boen Gulf (south)

     Today is the first day since summer ended that has been cool enough to get outside and do some hiking.    So, we have decided to go to Magnolia Falls, a waterfall that I’ve seen lots of beautiful pictures of and have wanted to see for myself, well...  forever .   Besides Magnolia Falls there are lots of other waterfalls along with some other cool stuff to see in this south prong of Boen Gulf.     cauldron of color below Magnolia Falls      From the parking area on the west side of the road with room for maybe five cars, we hike down an old road a little over a quarter mile to a rock cairn marking a trail left (west), we turn here.  This part of the hike, also on an old road, seems less like a road and more like a pure trail.  fall wild flowers      In about another half mile we come to a trail intersection and take the left (southwest) trail down a little creek gully just a short way to Magnolia Falls, which is just beautiful.  Although we haven’t seen much rain lately, the falls